If you need extra copywriting and editorial resources for special projects, holiday cover, or busy times of the year, you can hire me as a contractor to support your content team.

I’m equally at home subbing print-magazine features on InDesign, editing SEO-friendly web copy, crafting tone of voice and ensuring brand guidelines as I am commissioning writers, managing CMS, overseeing production schedules, collaborating with designers, and devising strategy for your content pillars and seasonal campaigns.

My big-agency experience is ideal for business owners who need someone to take care of their content, devise story ideas, hone their messaging, or sharpen up existing copy, tone of voice and grammar. I can help with…

Digital copy: SEO-friendly web copy and blog posts, product descriptions, email marketing, newsletters, CRM, e-commerce, and paid social posts and campaigns

Print marketing copy: Press releases, lookbooks and brochures

Production: Sub-editing, editing copy for clarity and flow, proofreading, fact checking, overseeing brand guidelines and creating editorial style guides

Messaging: Ensuring tone of voice and brand messaging

Content Strategy: Ideation to support your content pillars

🌟 Want to discover more? Ping me an email at hellosallyshore@gmail.com
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